pysis package


pysis.cubefile module

class pysis.cubefile.CubeFile(stream_or_fname, filename=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Isis Cube file reader.

BYTE_ORDERS = {'Lsb': '<', 'Msb': '>', 'NoByteOrder': '='}
PIXEL_TYPES = {'Real': dtype('float32'), 'SignedWord': dtype('int16'), 'UnsignedByte': dtype('uint8'), 'Double': dtype('float64'), 'UnsignedInteger': dtype('uint32'), 'SignedInteger': dtype('int32'), 'SignedByte': dtype('int8'), 'UnsignedWord': dtype('uint16')}
SPECIAL_PIXELS = {'Real': {'His': -3.4028233e+38, 'Min': -3.4028225e+38, 'Max': 3.4028235e+38, 'Hrs': -3.4028235e+38, 'Lrs': -3.4028229e+38, 'Lis': -3.4028231e+38, 'Null': -3.4028227e+38}, 'UnsignedByte': {'His': 255, 'Min': 1, 'Max': 254, 'Hrs': 255, 'Lrs': 0, 'Lis': 0, 'Null': 0}, 'Double': {'His': -1.7976931348623155e+308, 'Min': -1.7976931348623147e+308, 'Max': 1.7976931348623157e+308, 'Hrs': -1.7976931348623157e+308, 'Lrs': -1.7976931348623151e+308, 'Lis': -1.7976931348623153e+308, 'Null': -1.7976931348623149e+308}, 'SignedWord': {'His': -32765, 'Min': -32752, 'Max': 32767, 'Hrs': -32764, 'Lrs': -32767, 'Lis': -32766, 'Null': -32768}, 'SignedInteger': {'His': -8388610, 'Min': -8388614, 'Max': 2147483647, 'Hrs': -8388609, 'Lrs': -8388612, 'Lis': -8388611, 'Null': -8388613}, 'UnsignedWord': {'His': 65534, 'Min': 3, 'Max': 65522, 'Hrs': 65535, 'Lrs': 1, 'Lis': 2, 'Null': 0}}

Convert isis special pixel values to numpy special pixel values.

Isis Numpy
Null nan
Lrs -inf
Lis -inf
His inf
Hrs inf
Parameters:copy – whether to apply the new special values to a copy of the pixel data and leave the orginial unaffected
Returns:a numpy array with special values converted to numpy’s nan, inf and -inf

Scale pixel values to there true DN.

Parameters:copy – whether to apply the scalling to a copy of the pixel data and leave the orginial unaffected
Returns:a scalled version of the pixel data

Number of image bands.


An additive factor by which to offset pixel DN.

data = None

A numpy array representing the image data.


Pixel data type.

filename = None

The filename if given, otherwise none.


Create an array for use in making an image.

Creates a linear stretch of the image and scales it to between 0 and 255. Null, Lis and Lrs pixels are set to 0. His and Hrs pixels are set to 255.


from pysis import CubeFile
from PIL import Image

# Read in the image and create the image data
image ='test.cub')
data = image.get_image_array()

# Save the first band to a new file
Returns:A uint8 array of pixel values.
label = None

The parsed label header in dictionary form.


Number of lines per band.


A multiplicative factor by which to scale pixel DN.

classmethod open(filename)[source]

Read an Isis Cube file from disk.

Parameters:filename – name of file to read as an isis file

Number of samples per line.


Tuple of images bands, lines and samples.


Total number of pixels.


Create a pixel map for special pixels.

Returns:an array where the value is False if the pixel is special and True otherwise

Index of the start of the image data (zero indexed).


Number of lines per tile.


Number of samples per tile.

pysis.env module

pysis.env.require_isis_version(major, minor=0, patch=0, build=0)[source]

Decorator that ensures a function is called with a minimum isis version.

pysis.exceptions module

This module contains the set of Pysis exceptions.

exception pysis.exceptions.IsisException[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base exception for isis errors.

exception pysis.exceptions.ProcessError(returncode, cmd, stdout, stderr)[source]

Bases: pysis.exceptions.IsisException

This exception is raised when an isis process returns a non-zero exit status.

exception pysis.exceptions.VersionError[source]

Bases: pysis.exceptions.IsisException

The wrong version of isis is being used.

pysis.isis module

pysis.isiscommand module

class pysis.isiscommand.Isis(strict=False, path=None)[source]

Bases: object

class pysis.isiscommand.IsisCommand(name)[source]

Bases: object


pysis.isispool module

class pysis.isispool.IsisPool(strict=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pysis.isiscommand.Isis

Multiprocessing pool for ISIS commands.

Example for running the following isis script in parallel for a list of images.

On the command line:

mdis2isis from=filename.IMG to=filename.cub
spiceinit from=filename.cub
mdiscal from=filename.cub

With pysis:

from pysis import IsisPool
from pysis.util import ImageName

def calibrate_mdis(images):
    images = [ImageName(filename) for filename in images]

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:
            isis_pool.mdis2isis(from_=filename.IMG, to=filename.cub)

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:
  • strict – when in strict mode, the isis pool will initialize its attributes with commands from the isis environment. Otherwise attributes are dynamically added as use
  • **kwargs

    additional parameters used to initialize the multiprocessing pool

close(*args, **kwarg)[source]

Close the pool and wait for all commands to complete.

This will be automatically called if used as a context manager.

join(*args, **kwarg)[source]
class pysis.isispool.QueuedIsisCommand(name, pool)[source]

Bases: pysis.isiscommand.IsisCommand

pysis.specialpixels module

Constants for Isis Special Pixels.

Min: The minimum valid value for a pixel. Null: Pixel has no data available. Lis: Pixel was lower bound saturated on the instrument. His: Pixel was higher bound saturated on the instrument. Lrs: Pixel was lower bound saturated during a computation. Hrs: Pixel was higher bound saturated during a computation. Max: The maximum valid value for a pixel.

Module contents

class pysis.Isis(strict=False, path=None)[source]

Bases: object

class pysis.IsisPool(strict=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pysis.isiscommand.Isis

Multiprocessing pool for ISIS commands.

Example for running the following isis script in parallel for a list of images.

On the command line:

mdis2isis from=filename.IMG to=filename.cub
spiceinit from=filename.cub
mdiscal from=filename.cub

With pysis:

from pysis import IsisPool
from pysis.util import ImageName

def calibrate_mdis(images):
    images = [ImageName(filename) for filename in images]

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:
            isis_pool.mdis2isis(from_=filename.IMG, to=filename.cub)

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:

    with IsisPool() as isis_pool:
        for filename in images:
  • strict – when in strict mode, the isis pool will initialize its attributes with commands from the isis environment. Otherwise attributes are dynamically added as use
  • **kwargs

    additional parameters used to initialize the multiprocessing pool

close(*args, **kwarg)[source]

Close the pool and wait for all commands to complete.

This will be automatically called if used as a context manager.

join(*args, **kwarg)[source]
class pysis.CubeFile(stream_or_fname, filename=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Isis Cube file reader.

BYTE_ORDERS = {'Lsb': '<', 'Msb': '>', 'NoByteOrder': '='}
PIXEL_TYPES = {'Real': dtype('float32'), 'SignedWord': dtype('int16'), 'UnsignedByte': dtype('uint8'), 'Double': dtype('float64'), 'UnsignedInteger': dtype('uint32'), 'SignedInteger': dtype('int32'), 'SignedByte': dtype('int8'), 'UnsignedWord': dtype('uint16')}
SPECIAL_PIXELS = {'Real': {'His': -3.4028233e+38, 'Min': -3.4028225e+38, 'Max': 3.4028235e+38, 'Hrs': -3.4028235e+38, 'Lrs': -3.4028229e+38, 'Lis': -3.4028231e+38, 'Null': -3.4028227e+38}, 'UnsignedByte': {'His': 255, 'Min': 1, 'Max': 254, 'Hrs': 255, 'Lrs': 0, 'Lis': 0, 'Null': 0}, 'Double': {'His': -1.7976931348623155e+308, 'Min': -1.7976931348623147e+308, 'Max': 1.7976931348623157e+308, 'Hrs': -1.7976931348623157e+308, 'Lrs': -1.7976931348623151e+308, 'Lis': -1.7976931348623153e+308, 'Null': -1.7976931348623149e+308}, 'SignedWord': {'His': -32765, 'Min': -32752, 'Max': 32767, 'Hrs': -32764, 'Lrs': -32767, 'Lis': -32766, 'Null': -32768}, 'SignedInteger': {'His': -8388610, 'Min': -8388614, 'Max': 2147483647, 'Hrs': -8388609, 'Lrs': -8388612, 'Lis': -8388611, 'Null': -8388613}, 'UnsignedWord': {'His': 65534, 'Min': 3, 'Max': 65522, 'Hrs': 65535, 'Lrs': 1, 'Lis': 2, 'Null': 0}}

Convert isis special pixel values to numpy special pixel values.

Isis Numpy
Null nan
Lrs -inf
Lis -inf
His inf
Hrs inf
Parameters:copy – whether to apply the new special values to a copy of the pixel data and leave the orginial unaffected
Returns:a numpy array with special values converted to numpy’s nan, inf and -inf

Scale pixel values to there true DN.

Parameters:copy – whether to apply the scalling to a copy of the pixel data and leave the orginial unaffected
Returns:a scalled version of the pixel data

Number of image bands.


An additive factor by which to offset pixel DN.


Pixel data type.


Create an array for use in making an image.

Creates a linear stretch of the image and scales it to between 0 and 255. Null, Lis and Lrs pixels are set to 0. His and Hrs pixels are set to 255.


from pysis import CubeFile
from PIL import Image

# Read in the image and create the image data
image ='test.cub')
data = image.get_image_array()

# Save the first band to a new file
Returns:A uint8 array of pixel values.

Number of lines per band.


A multiplicative factor by which to scale pixel DN.

classmethod open(filename)[source]

Read an Isis Cube file from disk.

Parameters:filename – name of file to read as an isis file

Number of samples per line.


Tuple of images bands, lines and samples.


Total number of pixels.


Create a pixel map for special pixels.

Returns:an array where the value is False if the pixel is special and True otherwise

Index of the start of the image data (zero indexed).


Number of lines per tile.


Number of samples per tile.

pysis.check_isis_version(major, minor=0, patch=0, build=0)[source]

Checks that the current isis version is equal to or above the suplied version.

pysis.require_isis_version(major, minor=0, patch=0, build=0)[source]

Decorator that ensures a function is called with a minimum isis version.